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Selected Publications

  1. Psychology Today blog "From Lab to Real World"  

  2. Development of a cognitive bias modification intervention for anxiety disorders in primary care. Weisberg RB, Gonsalves MA, Ramadurai R, Braham H, Fuchs C, & Beard C. (2021). British Journal of Clinical Psychology.

  3. Acceptability of Behavioral Activation Smartphone Apps Following Acute Psychiatric Treatment. Beard C, Ramadurai R, Forgeard M, Christensen K, Schueller S, Björgvinsson T. (March, 2020). The Behavior Therapist.

  4. Translating CBM-I into real-world settings: Augmenting a CBT-based psychiatric hospital program. Beard C, Rifkin LS, Silverman AL, & Björgvinsson T. (2019). Behavior therapy, 1;50(3), 515-30.
  5. HabitWorks: Development of a CBM-I smartphone app to augment and extend acute treatment. Beard C, Ramadurai R, McHugh RK, Pollak JP, & Björgvinsson T. (in press). Behavior Therapy.

  6. Attentional bias modification for social anxiety disorder: what do patients think and why does it matter? Kuckertz, J. M., Schofield, C. A., Clerkin, E. M., Primack, J., Boettcher, H., Weisberg, R. B., ... & Beard, C. (2019). Behavioural and cognitive psychotherapy, 47(1), 16-38.

  7. Smartphone, social media, and mental health app use in an acute transdiagnostic psychiatric sample. Beard, C., Silverman, A. L., Forgeard, M., Wilmer, M. T., Torous, J., & Björgvinsson, T. (2019).  JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(6), e13364.

  8. Turning the UPPS down: Urgency predicts treatment outcome in a partial hospitalization program. Peckham, A. D., Forgeard, M., Hsu, K. J., Beard, C., & Björgvinsson, T. (2019). Comprehensive psychiatry, 88, 70-76.

  9. Comparing treatment response between LGBQ and heterosexual individuals attending a CBT- and DBT-skills-based partial hospital. Beard, C., Kirakosian, N., Silverman, A. L., Winer, J. P., Wadsworth, L. P., & Björgvinsson, T. (2017). Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 85(12), 1171-1181.

  10. A pilot randomized controlled trial of cognitive bias modification to reduce fear of breast cancer recurrence. Lichtenthal, W. G., Corner, G. W., Slivjak, E. T., Roberts, K. E., Li, Y., Breitbart, W., ... & Beard, C. (2017). Cancer, 123(8), 1424-1433.

  11. Efficacy of attention bias modification using threat and appetitive stimuli: a meta-analytic review. Beard, C., Sawyer, A. T., & Hofmann, S. G. (2012). Behavior therapy, 43(4), 724-740.

  12. Combined cognitive bias modification treatment for social anxiety disorder: a pilot trial. Beard, C., Weisberg, R. B., & Amir, N. (2011).  Depression and anxiety, 28(11), 981-988.

  13. Cognitive bias modification for anxiety: current evidence and future directions. Beard, C. (2011).  Expert review of neurotherapeutics, 11(2), 299-311.

  14. Interpretation in Social Anxiety: When Meaning Precedes Ambiguity.  Beard, C., & Amir, N. (2009). Cognitive therapy and research, 33(4), 406-415.

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